A-Z of Organisations
Accessible Transport (For people permanently unable to use public transport - includes Taxicard, Blue Badge and Freedom Pass)
Adelaide Medical Centre (GP Surgery based in Chalk Farm)
Admiral Nursing (Information and support by phone for professionals and family carers of people with dementia.)
Age UK Camden (Advocacy, advice, befriending, resource centre)
Tel: 020 7239 0400
Sign up to Age UK's newsletter here: www.gtcamden.com
Alzheimer's Society in Camden (Benefits Helpline)
Direct line: 020 7561 4828
Benefits Guide (A free resource to use that provides comprehensive information on all available UK Welfare benefits as well as guidance on benefit applications, appeals, emergency assistance and legal help)
Bi-Polar UK (Support and information for people with a bi-polar diagnosis and their family and friends)
Tel: 0333 323 3880
Email: info@bipolaruk.org
Bluebird care (providers of home care and respite services to carers)
Tel: 0203 962 0895
Email: camden@bluebirdcare.co.uk ~ or ~ bluebirdcare.co.uk
Camden Careline (Community alarm service for older, disabled and frail people)
Tel: 020 7974 1491 (choose option 4 for careline )
Camden Community Connectors (Tackling social isolation and loneliness among older people)
Camden Disability Action (Camden Disability Action is a user-led organisation which aims to promote the equality of deaf and disabled people living or working in Camden)
Camden's Information and Access Team (for Adult Social Care services)
Tel: 020 7974 4000 (out of hours: 0207 974 4444)
Camden Integrated Primary Care Service
Tel: 020 3214 5700
Camden Musculoskeletal
Camden Psychological Therapies Service
Self-referral line: 020 3317 6670 ( Islington 020 3317 7252)
Email: cpts@candi.nhs.uk
Carers' Rights (The NHS Choices website also has a guide to carers' rights)
Children Services Camden (Information of childcare and service for 0-19 years (25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities)
Helpline: 020 7974 1525 (choose option two for children)
Citizens Advice Bureaux - Camden (Independent financial and legal advice)
Adviceline, Mon- Fri, 10am - 4pm: 0300 330 1157
Contact-A-Family (National helpline for parents of disabled children)
Helpline: 0808 808 3555
Email: helpline@contact.org.uk
Deaf-blind UK (Supporting people who are both deaf and blind. Click here to view poster 1, poster 2)
Tel: 01733 358100
Email: info@deafblind.org.uk
Independent Age (National helpline for older people and their carers)
Kids (Information and homebase breaks for families of disabled children)
KOVE (A community action group of older people based in the Kilburn, West Hampstead,
Finchley Road and Swiss Cottage areas of Camden, in north west London)
KOVE Co-ordinator - Email: peter56nw@outlook.com Call: 07973 845285
KOVE Community Development Worker - Email: deborah@kove.org.uk Call: 07778 145787
Mental Health Camden (Mental health and Wellbeing services in Camden)
Mind in Camden (Support for people with mental health problems living in Camden, including carers)
Mind Yourself (Support for the diverse Irish communities living in London, including carers)
Email: info@mind-yourself.co.uk
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Direct line: 0800 716 146
National Family Carers Network (Promotes the voice and rights of family carers supporting a person with a learning disability)
North London Cares (A community network of Young professionals and older neighbours supporting each other within London)
Novus Homeshare (Homeshare is a programme that matches people who want help or support around the house with people who need accommodation and are willing to help)
Out - of - hours medicines (If you run out of medicine outside of your GP practice's normal opening hours and need some urgently, there are a few ways to get an emergency supply)
Parkinson's UK (Advice for people living with Parkinson's Disease and their carers)
National helpline: 0808 800 0303
Email: hello@parkinsons.org.uk
Self management UK (For people living with long-term health conditions and their carers)
Some Space (Work with family, friends and partners of those involved in substance misuse, whether or not they receive treatment)
Stop Smoking in Camden
Talk to Frank (Drug Treatment)
Tel: 0300 123 6600
Email: frank@talktofrank.com
Alternatively, you can find further information regarding drug treatment services in Camden by clicking here or visiting www.nhs.uk/service-search
The Irish Centre - To provide outstanding Care, Culture and Community to the Irish in London
The Silver Line - Telephone friendship service for older people (The Silver Line operates the only confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK that’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
Transport for All (Provide expert information and advice on all transport services and benefits)